The patch contained several bug fixes and enhancements, but… most importantly, two NEW heroes which we are very excited about.
Today were going to have a look at Wretched Hag the DOTA equivalent of Akasha.
Wretched Hag
The Spells
HauntFlash of Darkness
Sonar Scream
Bat Blast
Wretched Hag’s spells and stats are statistically similar to Akasha’s.
Akasha Spells and Stats
Wretched Hag Spells and Stats
What does this Wretched Hag look like ?
Wretched Hag looks nothing like his counterpart Akasha, she is a crooked lantern carrying frog-witch, that emanates a mellow purple aura. Akasha on the other hand is the female equivalent of Bat Man…At first we kinda liked the evil looking hag, reminiscent of Warlock from DOTA. It was obvious alot of work had been put into creating the model’s aesthetics.
However after we played a few games we thought the model didn’t suit her style of play, which is blinking in an out of battles, casting a frenzy of spells and auto attacking enemies to their pitiful graves of wtfpwnedness. Her general movement and attack animation feels like she would have been more suited to a caster type of role, boring and slow.
Wretched Hag
How does she handle against other heroes in HoN ?
From the games we have played as Wretched Hag, we have found her to balance well amongst and against the other heroes in HoN. She is a great ganker early and mid game, but her usefulness started to decline as the game went on into the later stages where we found she was better served as a lane PUSHER/DEFENDER.Players facing the Wretched Hag are able to defend against her burst damage with Shamans Headress. Being as cheap as it is (2150 gold), its a ready buy for her opponents.
Overall likes and dislikes
We Like- Spell animations
- The fact that she is an EXACT port of Akasha statistically
- How she balances well in HoN
- The model is more suited to a support hero
- Similarity between the “backpack thing” she wears and electrician’s “backpack thing”
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