An IMBA AOE support hero if used correctly, behemoth can turn the tide of many pushes, ganks, and even the game.
Attack Type=Melee
Attack Damage=45-56
Attack Range=125
Strength per level=2.5
Agility per level=1.4
Intelligence per level=1.8
With a mighty slam of his tree trunk, the Behemoth
rips the earth apart, damaging and stunning
enemies in front of him and leaving an impassable mound of terrain.
Level 1 : Deals 125 magic damage to units in a line, stuns for 1 second
Level 2 : Deals 175 magic damage to units in a line, stuns for 1.25 second
Level 3 : Deals 225 magic damage to units in a line, stuns for 1.5 second
Level 4 : Deals 275 magic damage to units in a line, stuns for 1.75 second
Mana cost 125/140/155/170
Cooldown 15 seconds
A great initiating spell to trap, nuke, and stun. Use this first in ur combos.
The Behemoth unleashes his anger,
causing his next attack to have
increased damage.
Level 1 : +50% Base damage for 14 seconds or until next attack
Level 2 : +100 Base damage for 14 seconds or until next attack
Level 3 : +150 Base damage for 14 seconds or until next attack
Level 4 : +200 Base damage for 14 seconds or until next attack
Mana cost 50
Cooldown 7 seconds
Your only spammable ability, as the cooldown is only 7 seconds. Use after fissure to continuate the stun on the enemy, use to chase after you blink to their location and stun them.
Causes the Behemoth to shake the earth
with each spell he casts, dealing damage
and stunning nearby opponents.
Level 1 : Deals 25 magic damage and stuns for 0.3 seconds in 250 radius everytime a spell is cast
Level 2 : Deals 45 magic damage and stuns for 0.7 seconds in 250 radius everytime a spell is cast
Level 3 : Deals 75 magic damage and stuns for 1.2 seconds in 250 radius everytime a spell is cast
Level 4 : Deals 115 magic damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds in 250 radius everytime a spell is cast
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Crucial passive ability that allows you to permastun your enemies in combos.
The Behemoth slams the ground with all his might,
causing a devastating shockwave around him.
The shockwave ricochets off nearby units,
effectively increasing the damage dealt
based on the number of nearby enemy units.
Level 1 : Deals 165 magic damage to units 500 radius around self. Deals 35 extra damage for each enemy unit in radius
Level 2 : Deals 235 magic damage to units 500 radius around self. Deals 45 extra damage for each enemy unit in radius
Level 3 : Deals 285 magic damage to units 500 radius around self. Deals 65 extra damage for each enemy unit in radius
Mana Cost 145/205/265
Cooldown 150/130/110 seconds
One of the best AOE nukes in the game. If used during optimal situations (when theres alot of enemies around) can do massive damage when used at the end of your combo.
Optimal Item Build
1. Enhanced Marchers
2. Ring of Sorcery
3. Fortified Bracelet
4. Portal Key
5. Behemoths Heart
6. Frostfield Plate
Item Build Explanation:
Enhanced Marchers greatly boosts your movement speed, and also lets you walk through those pesky creeps to get to your enemy. The ring of sorcery is crucial for early to mid game play, as behemoth has low base intelligence stats and needs all the extra mana regen and replenish he can get. The portal key is also a must item, as it will help set up your combos, chase heroes down, and make escapes. The Heart and frostfield plate are both luxury items, but I find them to work very well on behemoth, as the heart gives you more HP and stacks with your main attribute, strength, and the Frostfield Plate gives you extra armor and ANOTHER AOE nuke to pop off in your combo.
Skill Build
1. Fissure (Level 1)
2. Engrage (Level 1)
3. Fissure (Level 2)
4. Heavyweight (Level 1)
5. Fissure (Level 3)
6. Shockwave (Level 1)
7. Fissure (Level 4)
8. Heavyweight (Level 2)
9. Heavyweight (Level 3)
10. Heavyweight (Level 4)
11. Shockwave (Level 2)
12. Enrage (Level 2)
13. Enrage (Level 3)
14. Enrage (Level 4)
15. Stats (Level 4)
16. Shockwave (Level 3)
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Stat Build Explanation:
You only need one level of enrage early as you will max out heavyweight to make enrage a 1.7 second stun. I max out fissure because it is the easier stun to hit before you make buy your portal key to use enrage effectively, and the damage with fissure is larger.
Early game:
Try to lane with another hero with a stun or someone ranged that either has DPS or a nuke. Last hit and deny as much as possible to make your ring of sorcery ASAP. When times are right, using fissure to trap the enemy can lead to first bloods and kills.
Mid game:
By mid game, if you have your ring of sorcery and your portal key, you are free to roam the map and gank/help when necessary. When you spot a hero or two in a lane to gank, your job is to initiate the battle.
Behemoths spell combo is very simple to execute, and it leads to 4-5 seconds of stun, and massive AOE nuke damage.
The combo you pull is: you blink in with your portal key, Fissure + Enrage + Shockwave. After the combo is pulled off your teammates are probably there to help you mop up the mess. If there are still any survivors, you can easily chase them down with your portal key, and either hit them with an Engrage or another Fissure to finish them off.
Late game:
You are the ultimate support hero at this point if you have complete your item build, and have added another spell in your combo (frostfield). Hopefully your team has a couple of late game carries, so all you need to do is pop your combo during pushes, and it should result in a gg.
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